October 2023

Sustainability ke Saath Swatantrata :- A death because of my mistake.

A death because of my mistake. Today, I had an eye-opening experience during a lake clean-up. I witnessed the tragic death of a fish entangled in plastic. It’s heart-wrenching to see a life cut short in such a way. This incident is a stark reminder of the urgent need to address plastic pollution. No living …

Sustainability ke Saath Swatantrata :- A death because of my mistake. Read More »

Sisal an eco-friendly choice in various industries

Sisal fiber, derived from the agave plant, undergoes a remarkable journey from plant to product. The first step involves cultivating and nurturing agave plants until they reach maturity. The leaves are then carefully harvested, and the outer layers are stripped to reveal the precious fibers within. These fibers are then washed, dried, and processed to …

Sisal an eco-friendly choice in various industries Read More »

Mera Ghar to saaf hai na Desh Ka mujhe pata nahin

From 1999 to 2019, over the course of nearly 20 years, we imported an average of 70,000 thousand metric tonnes of plastic waste annually, totaling a staggering 1,400,000 thousand metric tonnes. “” The fate of this colossal amount is deeply concerning – some of it underwent processing, but the exact proportion remains elusive, leaving us …

Mera Ghar to saaf hai na Desh Ka mujhe pata nahin Read More »

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